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Russians Are Accused of Crypto-Theft in the Mt Gox Trading

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    Mt. Gox was once the dominant exchange for bitcoin trading, but a hack led to its shutdown in 2014. Photo: Alamy

    Two Russian nationals were charged with stealing about 647,000 bitcoin in a hack of Mt. Gox, draining the now-defunct crypto exchange between 2011 and 2014 of digital currency that today would be valued at $17 billion.

    Alexey Bilyuchenko and Aleksandr Verner were charged with conspiring to launder the bitcoin by transferring the money to shell companies and accounts held in other people’s names, the Justice Department said in announcing the case Friday. 

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    Author: Noah Fleming

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    Name: Noah Fleming

    Birthday: 1946-12-02

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    Introduction: My name is Noah Fleming, I am a variegated, enterprising, unguarded, venturesome, exquisite, bold, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.