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In India, Delhi High Court prohibits Asus from using the "Zenfone" or "Zen" brand

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    Asus will no longer be allowed to sell any product under the 'Zenfone' or 'Zen' trademark in India following an order by the Delhi High Court.

    According to a report by Bar and Bench, Telecare Network filed a case against Asus for using the 'Zen' trademark for which the company claims it had proprietary rights to. Telecare Network has the trademark Zen and Zen registered and has been selling phones in India since 2008. In comparison, Asus started selling its Zenfone smartphones in India from 2014.

    Telecare Network further argued that Asus' Zenfone smartphones fell in the same price range as their products. Asus in its defense said the usage of 'Zen' came from the company CEO Jonney Shih's belief in the 'Zen' philosophy.

    "The ASUS legal team is currently working with the Delhi High Court in India to resolve the Zen Mobiles and ZenFone trademark lawsuit. The supply of ASUS smartphones, notebooks and other products, as well as technical support and after-sales service for all ASUS products remain unchanged for all consumers," Asus said in its official statement.

    The Delhi High Court's order restrains Asus from selling any product under the 'Zen' or 'Zenfone' trademark and even anything identical to these. The order is effective for Asus products in India from July 28. This comes as a big blow to the Taiwanese company whose entire smartphone lineup is registered under the 'Zenfone' series.

    Asus has budget and flagship smartphones under the Zenfone series in India. The company also sells laptops under the Zenbook in series in India. Asus is also scheduled to launch its latest flagship, Zenfone 6 in India soon.


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    Author: Brittney Shaw

    Last Updated: 1704658682

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    Name: Brittney Shaw

    Birthday: 1958-04-23

    Address: 8252 Zuniga Spurs Apt. 082, Lake Barbara, WY 15992

    Phone: +4439587106940053

    Job: Human Resources Manager

    Hobby: Wine Tasting, Fishing, Billiards, Metalworking, Cooking, Cycling, Playing Piano

    Introduction: My name is Brittney Shaw, I am a clever, treasured, sincere, intrepid, accessible, unwavering, steadfast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.